Here’s the latest version of the Pro-Wave, taken from the Prophet Plus and adding the Waldorf-style oscillators and more flexible PolyMod routing, among other things. (See below for complete details.)
As you can see, the oscillator menu includes the CEM oscillator (standard Prophet sound), a WAV Osc, an RD Slot, and all of the Waldorf waveshapes. Graphics for each appear (and disappear) as needed. The PolyMod section has been expanded in 2 ways – there are 2 mod paths, but now are not fixed Source (only Filter Env and Osc B in the Prophet), with a popup list selecting a number of sources. Also, the destinations have been expanded to match the LFO (Wheel Mod) section, as with Sonic Core’s Pro-12 ASB. You can also see that I’ve added the Wave Envelope (called Looping Env here) from the Quantum Wave and Solaris v4.x synths.
Now featuring the following:
1) Separate exponential glide for each oscillator
2) Filter emulations of the SSM, CEM (Prophet 5 rev1 & 2) and Minimoog
3) Midi clocking of the Loop Envelope
4) Extended Midi times for sync – up to 8 bars/1 cycle
5) Note and Mod Wheel added to PolyMod Source lists
6) Enable switch and Sensitivity added for Mod Wheel
7) Panning circuit from Solaris added.
The Pro-Wave is completely compatible with the current Proph@t Plus preset lists. The price is 149 EUR. An upgrade/crossgrade is available for current Proph@t Plus owners; cost is 59 EUR. Purchase of the Pro-Wave can be done via ShareIt here.
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Here’s the last version of the Pro-Wave, taken from the Prophet Plus and adding the Waldorf-style oscillators and more flexible PolyMod routing, among other things. (See below for complete details.)
As you can see, the oscillator menu included the CEM oscillator (standard Prophet sound), a WAV Osc, an RD Slot, and all of the Waldorf waveshapes. Graphics for each appear (and disappear) as needed. The PolyMod section was expanded in 2 ways – there are 2 mod paths, but now are not fixed Source (only Filter Env and Osc B in the Prophet), with a popup list selecting a number of sources. Also, the destinations had been expanded to match the LFO (Wheel Mod) section, as with Sonic Core’s Pro-12 ASB. You can also see that I’ve added the Wave Envelope (called Looping Env here) from the Quantum Wave and Solaris v4.x synths.